A Nice Thing To Be Shared...

Wah,,udah beberapa hari gag nulis blog nih,,apa kabar dunia?? pasti tetap semakin luar biasa…^^

This time, I’d like to share some experiences about the seminar held in my campus, last Thursday. The seminar was held by Opera, a kind of software company. I think most of you have known their products. Yeah, let me say Opera Web Browser, Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, etc. In this enjoyable seminar, there was Mr. Bruce Lawson, a web evangelist who comes from England. There were also Zi Bin, Cheah, comes from Malaysia, and Miss. Anissa Putri, the marketing manager, who comes from Malang.

The seminar was so interesting. Most of the students there, who come from Information Technology and Industrial Engineering Study Program, enjoyed this seminar. I think it’s because of the topic. The topic was very interesting, especially when they’re presenting about web technology.

As usual, my friends and I also enjoyed this seminar so much. We also think that this seminar was quite better than some other that have ever been held in our campus before, hehe. I thought, this also because the speakers who came from other country seems so expert and experienced.

When the seminar began, I told my friends that we have to take some pictures with those great speakers. You know, my friend, Luci, said that Mr. Zi Bin, Cheah is very handsome and charming, then she was so attracted by him. As a group of girls, Luci and some other friends started to adore him.

When all speakers have presented their material, I had to do my task, give them the souvenir from my University. At that time, Miss Janviera called me and asked me to go to preparation room to prepare for the souvenir session. Then, when the moderator was calling me, I came forward, and let Mr. Budiono (The Head of IT Study Program) took the souvenirs and certificate that I brought on the tray to be given to the speakers.

Then, when the seminar ends, the students started to leave the hall. But, my friends and I decided to stay there, to get what I’ve mentioned above. Yeah, we believe that we can get it. Then, it comes true, we can get it. Here they are,

But, I think it’s not enough…so after wait for the right time, I asked Mr. Bruce to take a picture with me,,and he looks okay…not only use my camera, but he also asked me to use his camera. So, I asked Luci to take our picture twice. That's the picture...

Then, Luci and I also want to take a picture with Mr Zi Bin…so it’s time for Luci to ask about that to Mr. Zi Bin… (Ummm…I think, Luci was started to be melted, haha….). Then, after took Luci’s picture, I also asked Luci to take my picture with him. Here it is…

Then, we also asked for his contacts card. I think, it will be very useful for us, and maybe one day we’ll need it. Ummm….what a nice experience!!

6 komentar:

constantine said...

heh,, sialan.... kenapa aku jadi dibawa2?! APA KATA DUNIA....?! he5... untuk semua pembaca,,

"Kisah ini adalah kisah fiktif. Kesamaan nama dan wajah sepenuhnya disengaja oleh penulis. tapi ini benar-benar fiktif...."

terima kasih.

sandalian said...

Many girls adoring Zibin, Bruce also writes this in his Twitter :D

Tiara said...

Lus,I think, wajar aja deh klo anak2 IT macam Qta adoring kakak" pakar IT yang ahli di bidangnya...

So, menurutQ pilihanmu memang cukup tepat dan worth it banged, Lus...^^

Tiara said...

haha,,thx for the info...

salam kenal ya, Mas... Keep Blogging!! ^^

Fauzi Hakim said...

Wah.. berkesempatan juga ikut seminar ini yah.. Waktu dikampusku sini ga sempat ikut... apalagi pas hari sabtu malah banyak tugas yang belum beres.. Selamat ya :D
p.s. hayoo.. tahu ini siapa gak.. :P

Tiara said...

Wah,,Mas Ave ya =)

iya,kmrn sempat ikut seminarnya,,lagi banyak tugas ya,Mas...Selamat juga ya!! =D

Mas, keep blogging... ntr aq main2 k blognya Mas juga...

Happy writing...^^

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