Just Want to Share…

Yesterday, when I was attending a CBDC (Character Building Development Center) III lecture, in Balai Pertiwi UMC, I got something strange there. If U know the situation that happened on me there, U would know how strange it was. Let me tell U…

CBDC III is a lecture that is attended by all students in my university, who take this subject in this semester. It means that the attenders weren’t only from IT, but also from Accounting, Management, and English study program. And this lecture is also attended by lecturer, staff, and HOD in my campus. The lecture start at 1 p.m. It means that we have to be there before 1 o’clock or we wouldn’t be allowed to enter the hall. Then, let’s see what happened there (October 22nd)…

I go there from Canteen together with Tika, Hayu, and Cinthya. Entered the building, we had to sit with our mentoring group (I’ll tell U more about this, later, okay!). Because I can’t find any member of my group (Kristen Nygaard Group) there, I send an SMS to my groupmate. While waiting for her reply, I sat in right side, the place where my groups used to sit before. Then, U know what happened…

Someone come to me, then say “Saya duduk di sini boleh…? (May I sit here…)”, with smile. Seeing his friendly smile, I just smile back to him, then say “Oh iya2, silahkan…(Yes, of course…)”. Then, the lecture start and I can’t get focus on what the lecturer says. That’s not because of the made up cough of the guys behind me, or because I’m a little bit nervous to sit beside that man. But, it’s just because the man do not stop talking about…(something really strange to be talked in this situation) He asks many things to me, while I never think that he, a man like him actually, will do it. He’s like ….ouch,,. But, however, after sit with him, I get a quite important lesson…That is “we have to keep our integrity, whenever and wherever we are”.

For everyone who read this post, please don’t think about strange thing that happen between us. I just want to remind that lesson. An important lesson that often be neglected by us.

4 komentar:

^HaPpiLy uMy^ said...

wadu...aq jadi penasaran mba muti...
orang di sbela mba tu ngomong pa an si...hwehehe

Tiara said...


I think, if U know what he talk about,,U'll be shocked too...

I'll tell you later..=)

Keep fiGht n' smiLe!!

constantine said...

klo aku bilang siy ya... tersera orang di sebelah kamu kek,, di depan kamu kek,, ato mungkin juga di manapun,, mo bilang apa pun terserah mereka (he/she) tapi yang jelas klo km nggak terpengaruh,, klo km tetap bisa jaga keteguhan itu baru namanya keren,, he5.....
who cares what they're talking about?! the most important thing is just be you and keep your mind yours....

Tiara said...


Actually, you're right! whatever they say, all we have to do is just do our best, right? ^^

ya walaupun terkadang agak mengganggu juga, tapi hal2 seperti ini memang pelajaran berharga dan kita bisa mengambil hikmah dari sana...^^

Tetap sMangad!!

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